Step By Step Printing

From Hyrel3D
Revision as of 12:05, 26 June 2020 by Davo (talk | contribs)
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There are two parallel, interconnected, yet distinct aspects to making a successful print. The Hardware and the Gcode. We address these individually below:


Check/Level Build Surface

asdf asdf

Seat Extruder

asdf adsf

Set Z-Zero

asdf asdf

Load/Test Material Flow

asdf asdf

Prep Build Surface

asdf asdf


Genereate Model

asdf asdf

Heal if Needed

asdf asdf

Scale, Position, Rotate

asdf asdf

Select/Create Recipes

asdf asdf


asdf asdf

Review Gcode

asdf asdf

Bringing it all Together

asdf asdf

Start Print

asdf asdf

Observe Skirt

asdf asdf

Adjust Z as Needed

asdf asdf