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Gcodes Not For Everyone

Advanced diagnostics and reporting. Not really secret, but intended for internal use.

G38 Distance Probing

G38 will move the bed until a probe until contact is made, and report the position when contact is made, storing a list of coordinate points with depths. This is helpful for making the bed level (and potentially working on non-planar surfaces).


 G38 Xn Yn Zn An Bn T# Pn Dn In Hn On Fn


 Xn relative move in this axis
 Yn relative move in this axis
 Zn relative move in this axis
 An relative move in this axis
 Bn relative move in this axis
 T# head where probe is loaded; if no T#, probe is not in a tool position; default: no T
 Pn probe connection
     If T is specified, P values can be:
       0  : PA3 pin on 10-pin connector
       1  : PA2 pin on 10-pin connector
       2  : LIMIT1 pin on 18-pin connector
       3  : LIMIT2 pin on 18-pin connector
       4  : RTD1 pin on 18-pin connector
       5  : RTD2 pin on 18-pin connector
     If T is not specified, P values can be:
       0  : No direct connect probe; canbus based probe one  *** must specify probeHead via T arg
       1  : X Limit1 or W_RTD1 (sys30)
       2  : X Limit2 or W_RTD2 (sys30)
       3  : X Fault
       4  : X Home
       5  : unused
       6  : Y Limit1
       7  : Y Limit2
       8  : Y Fault
       9  : Y Home
       10 : unused
       11 : Z Limit1
       12 : Z Limit2
       13 : Z Fault
       14 : Z Home
       15 : unused
       16 : A Limit1
       17 : A Limit2
       18 : A Fault
       19 : A Home
       20 : unused
       21 : B Limit1
       22 : B Limit2
       23 : B Fault
       24 : B Home
       25 : unused
       26 : C Limit1
       27 : C Limit2
       28 : C Fault
       29 : C Home
 D only 1 is presently supported; other options for future development
 I is probe polarity; 0 if contact makes a circuit, 1 if contact breaks the circuit
 H head offset register to use for tool dimension
 O additional offset
 F feedrate in mm/min (nonpersistent)


 G38 Z-9 T# P3 D1 I1 F200 

This command is decoded and executed by the printer as follows:

  • G38 (probe)
    • Z-9 (9 mm in Z toward 0)
    • T# (target head)
    • P3 (LIMIT2 pin on 18-pin connector)
    • D1 (only option)
    • I1 (contact breaks circuit)
    • F200 (at 200 mm/smin)

M619 Map Aux Port

M619 sets the behavior (function and output timing) of a user-controllable switch (including aux ports and arm lights).

Normally we expect users to keep the defaults - but some people will want to remap logical functions to other physical pins. Here are the details.

This can be used to remap outputs associated with inputs, or to control frequency/duty cycle of outputs - or both.

So I can associate the Laser X-hair button (logical function) with my X-arm "danger" LEDs (physical pins), or I can associate my M7 button on the CNC tab (logical function) with my Y-arm light (physical pins).


 M619 Ln In Sn Hn On [ Pn | Fn ]



Ln is the logical function (or button push) that we want to affect.

M619 Ln Mapping for ESR and 30M
M619 L Parameter Alt MCode Description Default HSS Default I Value Notes
M619 L0 N/A none none N/A none
M619 L1 M7 Mist Coolant W2 I8 shared with Ext Head
M619 L2 M8 Flood Coolant W1 I7 none
M619 L3 M671 X-Arm LEDs X2 I2 none
M619 L4 M670 Y-Arm LEDs Y1 I3 none
M619 L5 M675 RESP LEDs X1 I1 none
M619 L6 M677 Buzzer Z1 I5 none
M619 L7 M676 Recirc Fan N/A N/A *16A only
M619 L8 M678 Laser X-hair N/A N/A *16A only
M619 L9 N/A Exhaust N/A N/A none
M619 L10 M679 Vacuum N/A N/A *EHR/16A only
M619 L11 M685 (Positive) Air N/A N/A *16A only
M619 L12 N/A Ext. Head W2 I8 shared with Mist Coolant
M619 L13 M620 CO2 Power N/A N/A *16A only

M619 Ln Mapping for EHR and 16A
M619 L Parameter Alt MCode Description Default HSS Default I Value Notes
M619 L0 N/A none N/A N/A none
M619 L1 M7 Mist Coolant AP1 I1 shared with Ext Head
M619 L2 M8 Flood Coolant AP2 I2 none
M619 L3 M671 Danger LEDs N/A N/A *ESR/30M only
M619 L4 M670 Gantry LEDs AP5 I4 none
M619 L5 M675 RESP LEDs AP6 I5 none
M619 L6 M677 Buzzer N/A N/A *ESR/30M only
M619 L7 M676 Recirc Fan AP7 I6 none
M619 L8 M678 Laser X-hair AP9 I8 16A only
M619 L9 N/A Exhaust N/A N/A none
M619 L10 M679 Vacuum DR1 I9 none
M619 L11 M685 (Positive) Air DR2 I10 none
M619 L12 N/A Ext. Head AP1 I1 shared with Mist Coolant
M619 L13 M620 CO2 Power AP4 I3 16A only


In designates the physical pins that we want to affect:

M619 In Mapping for ESR and 30M
M619 I Parameter HSS Default Descr Default L Mapping Notes
M619 I1 X1 RESP LEDs L5 none
M619 I2 X2 X-Arm LEDs L3 none
M619 I3 Y1 Y-Arm LEDs I13 none
M619 I4 Y2 N/A N/A none
M619 I5 Z1 Buzzer L5 none
M619 I6 N/A N/A N/A none
M619 I7 W1 Flood Coolant L7 none
M619 I8 W2 Mist / Ext Head L8 dual mapping
M619 Ln Mapping for EHR and 16A
M619 I Parameter HSS Default Descr Default L Mapping Notes
M619 I1 AP1 Mist / Ext Head L8 dual mapping
M619 I2 AP2 Flood Coolant L7 none
M619 I3 AP4 CO2 Power L13 none
M619 I4 AP5 Gantry LEDs L4 none
M619 I5 AP6 RESP LEDs L1 none
M619 I6 AP7 Recirc Fan L7 none
M619 I7 AP8 N/A N/A none
M619 I8 AP9 Laser X-hair L11 *optional
M619 I9 DR1 Vacuum L10 none
M619 I10 DR2 (Positive) Air L11 none
M619 I11 DR3 N/A N/A none
M619 I12 DR4 N/A N/A none


Sn dictates the power level, 0-100.


Hn specifies the polarity of the sensor: 0 or 1 (H0 = active low, H1 = active high). HSS default to H1, Drains default to H0.


On can limit each execution to a single iteration with an O1. Other values default to no limit.

Fn or Pn

A user can stipulate a frequency in Hz (Fn) or period in seconds (Pn) for the signal; if both are specified, the Fn is used.

M670 Toggle Y-Arm Light Now

Turn on Y-arm light immediately. S 0 - 100 for duty.

M671 Toggle X-Arm Lights

Toggle X-arm Lights S 0 - 100 for duty.

M672 Toggle Y-Arm with Sensor

See main Gcode page.

M673 Toggle Y-Arm Light Next

Toggle Y-arm light after all previous commands are finished. S 0 - 100 for duty.

M772 Reset All Metrics

In addition to info on the Gcode page, these other reports are available:

 M772 - reset all internal data gathering to “0” state
 Sn - optional.  If Sn != 0, then Sn is a mask of which reports to auto send when M30 is processed.   S1 or S3 are typical user settings to get basic print info.
 Bit0 (0x01): enables M773 report (basic print stats)
 Bit1 (0x02): enables M774 report (system configuration)
 Bit2 (0x04): enables M774 report (queue metrics)
 Bit3 (0x08): enables M775 report (crashDataFromRam)
 Bit4 (0x10): enables M776 report (command and motionQ usage)
 Bit5 (0x20): enables M779 report (slice timing)

M773 Generate Basic Report

M773 generates a basic report of printing statistics (including average speed, number of primes, etc.)

Note: this report will be more meaningful if you use M772 to reset these counters at the start of a job.






  • M773 (generate basic report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M773 - print job metrics Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:                       Time (s)    Dist (m)
 >IN:  50:                       --------    --------
 >IN:  50: Totals:                    0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Printing moves:            0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: Non-printing moves         0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Accelerating:              0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: Cruising:                  0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: Decelerating:              0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: can e steps issued:       0
 >IN:  50: approx filament (PI*d)    0.000 m
 >IN:  50: approx filament (PIr^2)   0.000 m
 >IN:  50: unprimes issued:          0
 >IN:  50: primes issued:            0
 >IN:  50: unprime-primes avoided:   0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M773 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M774 Generate Queue Report

M774 generates a queue metrics report:






  • M774 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M774 - queue metrics Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Total commands:                  109
 >IN:  50: Total moves:                       0
 >IN:  50: Max commands in CmdQue:            9 (60)
 >IN:  50: Max commands in motionQ:           0 (50)
 >IN:  50: Max commands in deferredCmdQue:    0 (15)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in raw RX buffer:        1 (256)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in urgent RX buffer:     0 (1024)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in normal RX buffer:    43 (6144)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in direct RX buffer:     0 (8192)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in serial TX buffer:   697 (6144)
 >IN:  50: Total serial TX chars rejected:    0 (6144)
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M774 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M775 Generate Crash Report

M775 generates a crash data report:






  • M775 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M775 - current crashDataFromRAM Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     slice_1Hz = 1
 >IN:  50:     slice_10Hz = 5
 >IN:  50:     slice_100Hz = 9
 >IN:  50:     slice_1000Hz = 3
 >IN:  50:     lsiActualFreq = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->MCR = 0x00010044
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->MSR = 0x00000c00
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->TSR = 0x1c030303
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->IER = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->ESR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->BTR = 0x0012000d
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TIR = 0x89408004
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TDTR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TDLR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TDHR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TIR = 0x80088006
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TDTR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TDLR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TDHR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TIR = 0x880a0924
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TDTR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TDLR = 0x00000003
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TDHR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     total_commandsProcessed = 109
 >IN:  50:     total_motionQprocessed = 0
 >IN:  50:     total_DeferredProcessed = 0
 >IN:  50:     total_charsRx = 2331
 >IN:  50:     total_charsTx = 22871
 >IN:  50:     total_canRx = 3233
 >IN:  50:     total_canTx = 1772
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     max_CommandsInQue = 9
 >IN:  50:     max_motionQvalidEntries = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_DeferredCommandsInQue = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_rawRxCharsInBuf = 1
 >IN:  50:     max_urgentRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_normalRxCharsInBuf = 43
 >IN:  50:     max_directRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_normalTxCharsInBuf = 697
 >IN:  50:     max_canRxQ_numMsg = 88
 >IN:  50:     max_canTxQ_numMsg = 34
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     curr_CommandsInQue = 5
 >IN:  50:     curr_motionQ.validEntries = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_DeferredCommandsInQue = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_rawRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_urgentRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalTxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_gs._canRxQ.numMsg = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_gs._canRxQ.numMsg = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     curr_rawRxIndexIn = 73
 >IN:  50:     curr_rawRxIndexOut = 73
 >IN:  50:     curr_urgentRxIndexIn = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_urgentRxIndexOut = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalRxIndexIn = 822
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalRxIndexOut = 822
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalTxIndexIn = 6084
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalTxIndexOut = 6126
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     _serialPortRxOverrunCnt = 0
 >IN:  50:     flushedRxCharsDuringAbort = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     pendingAcknowledge = 0
 >IN:  50:     _gcodeCmdsReceived = 43
 >IN:  50:     _gcodeAcksSent = 43
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     _g4DwellTimer = 0
 >IN:  50:     _gcodePaused = 0
 >IN:  50:     _abortInProgress = 0
 >IN:  50:     _blockAllMotion = 1
 >IN:  50:     _blockAbsoluteMotion = 0
 >IN:  50:     _motionSensorTripped = 0
 >IN:  50:     _waitingFor.flags.u32 = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     _needToProcessDeferredCommands = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.HomeSense.State = 1
 >IN:  50:     Y.HomeSense.State = 1
 >IN:  50:     Z.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Y.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Z.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Y.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Z.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Y.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Z.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.HasBeenHomed = 0
 >IN:  50:     Y.HasBeenHomed = 0
 >IN:  50:     Z.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50:     A.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50:     B.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50:     C.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     _validFirmwareKey = 1
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M775 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M776 Generate Motion Report

M776 generates a motion report:






  • M776 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M776 - cmd/motionQ usage histograms Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: motionQ numEntries histogram at start of move (total moves: 0)
 >IN:  50:  --:     0 (executed while forcing Q empty)
 >IN:  50:   1:     0
 >IN:  50:   2:     0
 >IN:  50:   3:     0
 >IN:  50:   4:     0
 >IN:  50:   5:     0
 >IN:  50:   6:     0
 >IN:  50:   7:     0
 >IN:  50:   8:     0
 >IN:  50:   9:     0
 >IN:  50:  10:     0
 >IN:  50:  11:     0
 >IN:  50:  12:     0
 >IN:  50:  13:     0
 >IN:  50:  14:     0
 >IN:  50:  15:     0
 >IN:  50:  16:     0
 >IN:  50:  17:     0
 >IN:  50:  18:     0
 >IN:  50:  19:     0
 >IN:  50:  20:     0
 >IN:  50:  21:     0
 >IN:  50:  22:     0
 >IN:  50:  23:     0
 >IN:  50:  24:     0
 >IN:  50:  25:     0
 >IN:  50:  26:     0
 >IN:  50:  27:     0
 >IN:  50:  28:     0
 >IN:  50:  29:     0
 >IN:  50:  30:     0
 >IN:  50:  31:     0
 >IN:  50:  32:     0
 >IN:  50:  33:     0
 >IN:  50:  34:     0
 >IN:  50:  35:     0
 >IN:  50:  36:     0
 >IN:  50:  37:     0
 >IN:  50:  38:     0
 >IN:  50:  39:     0
 >IN:  50:  40:     0
 >IN:  50:  41:     0
 >IN:  50:  42:     0
 >IN:  50:  43:     0
 >IN:  50:  44:     0
 >IN:  50:  45:     0
 >IN:  50:  46:     0
 >IN:  50:  47:     0
 >IN:  50:  48:     0
 >IN:  50:  49:     0
 >IN:  50:  50:     0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: cmdQue numEntries histogram when cmd received (total cmds: 109)
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:   0:    89
 >IN:  50:   1:     2
 >IN:  50:   2:     4
 >IN:  50:   3:     2
 >IN:  50:   4:     4
 >IN:  50:   5:     2
 >IN:  50:   6:     2
 >IN:  50:   7:     2
 >IN:  50:   8:     2
 >IN:  50:   9:     0
 >IN:  50:  10:     0
 >IN:  50:  11:     0
 >IN:  50:  12:     0
 >IN:  50:  13:     0
 >IN:  50:  14:     0
 >IN:  50:  15:     0
 >IN:  50:  16:     0
 >IN:  50:  17:     0
 >IN:  50:  18:     0
 >IN:  50:  19:     0
 >IN:  50:  20:     0
 >IN:  50:  21:     0
 >IN:  50:  22:     0
 >IN:  50:  23:     0
 >IN:  50:  24:     0
 >IN:  50:  25:     0
 >IN:  50:  26:     0
 >IN:  50:  27:     0
 >IN:  50:  28:     0
 >IN:  50:  29:     0
 >IN:  50:  30:     0
 >IN:  50:  31:     0
 >IN:  50:  32:     0
 >IN:  50:  33:     0
 >IN:  50:  34:     0
 >IN:  50:  35:     0
 >IN:  50:  36:     0
 >IN:  50:  37:     0
 >IN:  50:  38:     0
 >IN:  50:  39:     0
 >IN:  50:  40:     0
 >IN:  50:  41:     0
 >IN:  50:  42:     0
 >IN:  50:  43:     0
 >IN:  50:  44:     0
 >IN:  50:  45:     0
 >IN:  50:  46:     0
 >IN:  50:  47:     0
 >IN:  50:  48:     0
 >IN:  50:  49:     0
 >IN:  50:  50:     0
 >IN:  50:  51:     0
 >IN:  50:  52:     0
 >IN:  50:  53:     0
 >IN:  50:  54:     0
 >IN:  50:  55:     0
 >IN:  50:  56:     0
 >IN:  50:  57:     0
 >IN:  50:  58:     0
 >IN:  50:  59:     0
 >IN:  50:  60:     0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M776 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M784 Generate Summary Report

M784 generates a system summary report:






  • M784 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M784 - System Summary Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Motion Controller: 
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:    DEBUG_EngineSR_30M_5.000za :mcu 0x413 0x1001 :uid 0x3a002c00 0x18473132 0x39373139 :UART6
 >IN:  50:    License key: 4vxBFI46rsyXbS6__dU5mdS3WP8X8dLi
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Compatible Devices:
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     T#   Location    DeviceType   SW Loaded                  PCB      RTD1     RTD2     RTD3     SubType      SW Codebase  Can# Fmt# 
 >IN:  50:    ----- ----------- ------------ -------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ---- ---- 
 >IN:  50:     T1   Yoke1 Head2 MK1          Heads_Beds_103_5.000za.hex 4988_J   1K       None     None     Standard     Medusa5       1    2  
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Incompatible Devices (must be upgraded to 5.x software):
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:    OldT# Location   
 >IN:  50:    ----- -----------
 >IN:  50:     T14  Yoke1 Head4
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M784 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M797 Report Sensors

M797 generates a sensor status report:


 M797 In


 I can be 1 (logical states) or 2 (physical values)

Example 1

 M797 I1

This command is decoded and executed by the printer as follows:

  • M797 (generate sensor report)
    • I1 (show logical states)

Sample Output 1 (30M/ESR)

 >GB: Logical States  (M797 I1)
 >GB: == == ==  == == == ==
 >GB: X  -  F   H  .  .  .   <= in this example, X is currently homed
 >GB: Y  -  F   -  .  .  .   <= in this example, Y is not currently homed
 >GB: Z  -  F   .  .  .  . 
 >GB: A  not installed
 >GB: B  not installed
 >GB: <end>

Column definitions: AX - Axis ST - Step DR - Direction HM - Home L1 - Limit 1 L2 - Limit 2 FT - Fault

Example 2

 M797 I2

This command is decoded and executed by the printer as follows:

  • M797 (generate sensor report)
    • I2 (show physical values)

Sample Output 2 (30M/ESR)

 >GB: Physical values  (M797 I2)
 >GB: == == ==  == == == ==
 >GB: X  1  0   1  .  .  . 
 >GB: Y  1  0   0  .  .  . 
 >GB: Z  1  0   .  .  .  . 
 >GB: A  not installed
 >GB: B  not installed
 >GB: <end>