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Installing Drivers

Drivers Download button.png

Drivers, as of May, 2018

If, for some reason, you re-OSed or re-imaged your PC, or are installing on a new PC (or your local IT people made some changes preventing you from connecting to the printer), you will need to ensure that the proper drivers are in place. AFTER you have done the install above:

1. Download the file linked above.

2. Right-Click and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR: every file in that directory, in numerical order. As of May, 2018, this should be (note: some will fail - just continue):

  • 1.Windows 8 Compatibility Resolver.bat
  • 2.dpinst_amd64.exe
  • 3.dpinst_x86.exe
  • 4.CDM v2.12.00 WHQL Certified.exe
  • 5.VCP_V1.3.1_Setup_x64.exe
  • 6.VCP_V1.3.1_Setup.exe
  • 7.vcredist_ia64.exe
  • 8.vcredist_x64.exe
  • 9.vcredist_x86.exe

Now, in Devices and Printers, you should see the FT232R USB UART without any alert icon. Congratulations!