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Welcome to Hyrel!

With literally thousands of materials to print on the Hyrel Printer, we have broken down the list of materials into logical groups based on their printing temperature and type of head used to print them.

A quick intro to many of the functions of a Hyrel printer can be found here.

If you are planning on using the heads which photoinitiate crosslinking, make sure you specify the correct wavelength of LED for your material.

A standard material printing data sheet has been created for many of the materials that have been internally tested; you can access this data by clicking here.

Always be sure of what material you are using, and what will be off-gassed.

Our current price list can be found here.

Software and Firmware

Our equipment runs our proprietary Repetrel software and firmware. This was not done to be difficult, but because we didn't want to be restricted by the limitations of other printers. This is how we have the ability to adjust things like the Z position and material flow rate during a print. For a more in-depth look, please see the Repetrel page. To download and install, please see the Software page.


There are two categories: Printers and Heads (or Accessories).


As of May, 2017, Hyrel Printers are available in the following models: Hydras are our larger, gantry models; Systems are our tabletop, enclosed models; and Engines are the smaller, unenclosed models - available in Standard Resolution (SR) and High Resolution (HR, for bioprinting) versions.

All models use our Repetrel software and any slicer (Slic3r support provided). Each model comes with a Windows PC, either tablet or full desktop style. We operate our print heads via CANbus.


The following chart compares and contrasts the various models:

Printer Model Comparison
Designation Hydra 16A Freestanding
Benchtop, Enclosed
Heating Optional
Desktop, Unenclosed Desktop, High Precision
16AS Hydra
16AT Hydra
System 30M Engine SR Engine HR
Industrial Manufacturing Laboratory Research Budget Research Biological Research
Freestanding (Floor) Model
Gantry Design
Benchtop Model
Knee Design
Desktop Model
Knee Design
Exterior Dimensions,
XxYxZ (closed)
48x35x50 in
120x88x125 cm
48x35x60 in
120x88x153 cm
34x16x32 in
565x405x810 cm
13x21x22 in
330x530x560 cm
13x24x22 in
330x600x560 cm
15A / 110VAC / 60 Hz
8A / 220VAC / 50Hz
10A / 110VAC / 60 Hz
5A / 220VAC / 50Hz
Build Volume 16x12x10 in
400x300x250 mm
24x16x10 in
600x400x250 mm
16x12x20 in
600x400x500 mm
24x16x20 in
600x400x500 mm
8x8x8 in
200x200x200 mm
4x4x4 in
100x100x100 mm
120°C - 200°C option - sub-ambient option
Note that 200°C beds larger than 400x300mm
require 230VAC for optimal heating.
75°C 75°C - sub-ambient option
X/Y Printing
Up to 60 mm/sec Up to 30 mm/sec Up to 15 mm/sec
Enclosure Heated to 55°C Enclosed
*Opt Heated to 55°C
Motion Control 3-Phase with
Closed-Loop Feedback
0.9° Stepping Motor
Positional Resolution
X/Y/Z in µm
6 / 6 / 1 5 / 5 / 1 1.25 / 1.25 / 1
Positional Accuracy
X/Y/Z in µm
60 / 60 / 10 50 / 50 / 10 12 / 12 / 10
Positional Repeatability
X/Y/Z in µm
60 / 60 / 10 50 / 50 / 10 12 / 12 / 10
Precise X/Y Output
for Bioplots
100 µm lines
200 µm spacing
50 µm lines
100 µm spacing
Precise Z output
for Bioplots
25 µm layers
Tool Positions
Four Five
Cold Flow
All EMO, COD, SDS, CSD, DSD and SMH Heads
Warm Flow
All VOL, VCD, KRA and KCD Heads
Hot Flow
All MK1-250, MK2-250 and MK1-450 Heads
Low Power
Laser Options
6w, 450nm, GaN Diode and 2w, 450nm GaN Diode
High Power
Laser Options
40w ~10 µm, CO2 Not Applicable
Spindle Tool
Standard Not Applicable
Max Axes X, Y, Z, A, B, C X, Y, Z
Pick & Place
Yes No
Quiet Storm Fan, Microscope

The Hydra Series

The Hydra 16A models have hard resolution (with encoder feedback) of 20 microns in the X and Y, and 0.8 microns in the Z in standard mode. In microstepping mode, we can achieve soft resolution of 4 microns in the X and Y. It comes standard with two tool positions, but can take additional yokes to handle more.

There are three models, as detailed above. The differences are:

  • The Hydra 16A-S (standard) has a 250mm Z and stands on the floor, with the following options:
    • Can take a bed at 400x300mm or 600x400mm at 120°C or 200°C, or a sub-ambient bed;
    • Can take the 40W CO2 laser and 5W, 450nm diode laser;
    • Can take the Pick and Place setup; and
    • Can take the 3-Phase and 1-Phase spindle tools.
  • The Hydra 16A-T (tall) has a 500mm Z and stands on the floor, with the following options:
    • Can take a bed at 400x300mm or 600x400mm at 120°C or 200°C, or a sub-ambient bed;
    • Can take the 5W, 450nm diode laser (NO CO2 LASER);
    • Can take the Pick and Place setup; and
    • Can take the 3-Phase and 1-Phase spindle tools.

The System 30M, 30, and 23

Systems are enclosed Detailed information is on the Systems page. The System 30M replaced the System 30, which replaced the System 23. For you history buffs and Kickstarters.

The Engines

Engines are open-air models. Engines can take up to four heads at once, either working cooperatively on a one print, or making duplicate copies of a small print at the same time. Build volume is 200mm x 200mm x 200mm (X/Y/Z). Detailed information is on the Engines page.

Modular Heads


The following chart compares and contrasts the various heads:

Print Heads Comparison
Designation Material Viscosity Gear Ratio Volume Reservoir Temperature UV LEDs? Other
MK1-250 1.75mm Filament Standard n/a n/a n/a Up to 250°C n/a For Standard Material
MK1-450 1.75mm Filament Exotic n/a n/a n/a 300 to 450°C n/a For High-Temp Material
MK2-250 1.75mm Filament Flexible *Extra Torque n/a n/a Up to 250°C n/a For Flexible Material
HT-250 1.75mm Filament Standard *High Torque n/a n/a Up to 250°C n/a For Standard Material
HT-450 1.75mm Filament Exotic *High Torque n/a n/a 300 to 450°C n/a For High-Temp Material
SDS-05 Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 05cc Polypropylene Ambient Optional n/a
SDS-10 Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 10cc Polypropylene Ambient Optional n/a
SDS-30 Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 30cc Polypropylene Ambient Optional n/a
SDS-60 Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 60cc Polypropylene Ambient Optional n/a
DSD-50 Two-part Mixtures Low 3:1; 1:1 Ratio 25cc each part Polypropylene Ambient Optional n/a
SMH-2 Two-part Mixtures Low 3:1; Variable Ratio Up to 60cc each part Depends on feeding heads Ambient Optional n/a
HSD-10-Ardes Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 ? 10cc Polyamide Up to 100°C Optional n/a
HSD-30-BD Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 30cc Polypropylene Up to 50°C Optional n/a
RSD-30-BD Liquid, Gel Low 3:1 30cc Polypropylene Down to 5°C Optional n/a
EMO-25 Liquid, Gel, Paste Low to Medium 19:1 25cc Aluminum Ambient Optional n/a
VOL-25 Liquid, Gel, Paste Low to Medium 51:1 25cc Aluminum Up to 100°C Optional n/a
KR2-15 Paste, Clay, Hot Glue Medium to High 100:1 15cc Stainless Up to 150°C Optional n/a
TAM-15 Paste, Clay, Hot Glue Medium to High 100:1 15cc Stainless Up to 250°C Optional n/a
UVP-365nm Photoinitiators n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 365nm Focusable
UVP-405nm Photoinitiators n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 405nm Focusable
UVP-450nm Photoinitiators n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 450nm Focusable
Lasers, 808nm Dark, Opaque Laser n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5w, 808nm
Lasers, 450nm Opaque Laser n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6w, 450nm
Lasers, 10μm Translucent Laser n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 40w, 10μm
ST3 Waxes, Plastics
LIGHT Machining
Spindle Tool n/a 48VDC, 8.3A, 400W n/a n/a n/a 12,000 (with no load)

Note, for crosslinking heads, just see the standard heads and add the UV LED mechanism.

Reservoir-based Printing

Reservoir-based printing uses a reservoir of material (either chilled, ambient, or heated) and deposits the material much like a typical filament-based head. We sometimes use "Cold Flow" for printing materials at ambient (unheated) and sub-ambient (chilled) temperatures, and "Warm Flow" for printing materials at elevated temperatures, with or without UV Crosslinking.

For more details, see the Reservoir_Heads page.

Unheated Reservoir Materials

The following materials can be printed from Cold Flow (Unheated) reservoir-based heads. Note that more viscous materials may not be suitable for plastic syringes or smaller luer tips.

  • 3P Quick Cure Clay
  • Adhesives
  • Clay, Generic
  • Epoxy, Two-part
  • Fimo
  • Glue
  • Kato
  • Metal Clay, including Precious Metal Clay (PMC)
  • Modeling Clay
  • PEG PolyEthylene Glycol
  • Porcelain
  • Plasticine
  • Play-Doh
  • Resins
  • RTV Silicone
  • Sculpey
  • Sugru
Heads for Unheated Reservoirs

Cold Flow is available through the following heads:

The following table compares the properties of the various Cold Flow heads:

Cold Flow Head Properties
Head Container Capacity Nozzle UV Crosslinking
EMO-25 Aluminum 25cc 1.5mm, 2.0mm, Luer No
COD-25 Aluminum 25cc Luer Yes
SDS-5 Syringe 05cc Luer No
CSD-5 Syringe 05cc Luer Yes
SDS-10 Syringe 10cc Luer No
CSD-10 Syringe 10cc Luer Yes
SDS-30 Syringe 30cc Luer No
CSD-30 Syringe 30cc Luer Yes
SDS-60 Syringe 60cc Luer No
CSD-60 Syringe 60cc Luer Yes

Materials for Heated Reservoirs

The following materials can be printed from Warm Flow heads. Note that more viscous materials may not be suitable for plastic syringes or smaller luer tips, or may print more easily at higher temperatures.

  • Adhesives
  • Fimo
  • Kato
  • Glue
  • PCL
  • Plasticine
  • Resins
  • Sculpey
  • Wax
Heads for Heated Reservoirs

Warm Flow is available through the following heads:

The following table compares the properties of the various Warm Flow heads:

Warm Flow Head Properties
Head Max Temp Container Capacity Nozzle UV Crosslinking
VOL-25 100°C Aluminum 25cc 1.5mm, 2.0mm, Luer No
KRA-15 150°C Stainless 15cc 1.5mm, 2mm, Luer No
TAM-15 250°C Stainless 15cc Luer Yes

Filament-based Printing

Hot Flow is a term we sometimes use for filament-based materials which are deposited at up to 450°C, depending on the head. This process has also been referred to as FFF for Fused Filament Fabrication, or FDM for Fused Deposition Modeling. Presently, our Hot Flow heads are only for 1.75mm filaments; we expect to introduce heads for 3mm filaments by the end of 2019.

For more details, see the Filament_Heads page.

Filament Materials

The following materials can be printed from Hot Flow heads. Note that depending on the characteristics of your material, one head will be a better match than the others. See the "Recommended For" column in the table below.

  • ABS, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
  • BendLay
  • FilaFlex
  • Flex45
  • LayBrick
  • LayWood
  • NinjaFlex
  • Nylon
  • PC, PolyCarbonate
  • PEEK, PolyEther Ether Ketone
  • PET, PolyEthylene Terephthalate
  • PETG, PolyEthylene Terephthalate Glycol-modified
  • PLA, PolyLactic Acid
  • PlastInk Rubber
  • PP, PolyPropylene
  • PVA, PolyVinyl Alcohol
  • T-Glase
Heads for Filaments

Hot Flow is available through the following heads:

The following table compares the properties of the various Hot Flow heads, including which heads are recommended for which materials. The MK1 heads drive matieral from one side, with a spring-loaded bearing system to maintain pressure and positioning. The MK2 heads drive the material from both sides, and are designed for more flexible filaments.

Hot Flow Head Properties
Head Min Temp Max Temp Filament Type Nozzle Recommended For
MK1-250 150°C 250°C Standard .35mm, .50mm, .75mm, 1.0mm ABS, LayBrick, LayWood, Nylon, PET, PETG, PETT, PLA, PP, PVA, T-Glase
MK2-250 150°C 250°C Flexible .35mm, .50mm, .75mm, 1.0mm BendLay, FilaFlex, Flex45, NinjaFlex, PlastInk Rubber
MK1-450 300°C 450°C Engineering .50mm PC, PEEK

Other Accessories

Accessories other than print heads are available, some of which take a tool position.

For more details, see the Other Accessories page.

Tool Position Accessories


Hot-swappable Lasers are available in the following configurations:

  • The LA5-808 is a diode laser, 5W at 808nm, and due to its wavelength, it is best suited for darker material.
  • The LA6-450 is a diode laser 6W at 450nm, and performs well on opaque material of any color.
  • The LI40 is an integrated 40w CO2 laser, and performs well on translucent as well as opaque material; available on our Hydra models only.
  • The LI80 is an integrated 80w CO2 laser, and performs well on translucent as well as opaque material; available on our Hydra models only.

The Reflectivity and Transparency or Translucency of your material will have a great impact on the effectiveness of the laser. Safety glasses are included with each laser.

Spindle Tools

The ST1 is intended for light drilling and routing operations (especially circuit board work), and provides between 500 and 5000 RMP (depending on load) to a 1/8" chuck. Our Repetrel software can process Gerber and DRL files for the Spindle Tool and/or the Lasers.

The ST3 is presently in testing, but provides more power; available on our Hydra models only.

Other Tool Position Accessories

The following accessories each take up a tool position while performing more passive functions:

  • The Inspector microscope provides magnification.
  • The Quiet Storm fan provides additional cooling.
  • The Tramming Tool, provided with every printer, is used to level the build surface.

Non-Tool Position Accessories

The following non-head accessories are also available:

  • The Feed Chamber Cooling Fan mounts on Hot Flow heads to provide additional cooling to the feed chamber. This is desirable with low temperature filaments like PLA.
  • The Printer Support Kit is included with every printer, and includes a build plate, blue tape, and a variety of handy tools like tweezers, razors, and a spatula.
  • The SDK | Software Developer's Kit provides hardware, software, and the source code for developing your own firmware for your own compatible heads.
  • The LTK | Luer Tip Kit provides an EMO to Luer adapter and a variety of luer lock needles.
  • The Syringe Kit provides syringes in quantity.
  • The Drill Bit Kit provides an assortment of drilling bits and end mills for the Spindle Tool.
  • The Filament Kit provides a variety of filaments to get you started with your printer.