Ecosystem Apps

From Hyrel3D
Revision as of 19:33, 30 July 2019 by Davo (talk | contribs)
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Ecosystem Apps is a suite of publicly available programs which add many features at no cost. Some of them you might use individually to create or modify models. Others might be called from Repetrel to manipulate a file. This install should all be carried out per the instructions below, so that Repetrel will find them in the expected locations.

  1. Download - see table below for the list of programs and their proper locations.
  2. Run the executable, with the location pointed to C:


In Repetrel, go to the Programs tab, and double click in each text field, pointing the applications to their respective executable files under C:/EcosystemApps. See the table below for the proper locations. Note the new location for the Slic3r install; Slic3r Recipes (or Slic3r CFG files) should still be under C:\Users\Hyrel\AppData\Roaming\Slic3r. This info also [here.

EcosystemApps Locations
Program Name Executable Location
Slic3r EXE C:\EcosystemApps\Slic3r\slic3r.exe
Slic3r CFG C:\Users\Hyrel\AppData\Roaming\Slic3r
OpenSCAD C:\EcosystemApps\OpenSCAD\openscad.exe
FreeCAD C:\EcosystemApps\FreeCAD 0.15\bin\FreeCAD.exe
MeshLab C:\EcosystemApps\VCG\MeshLab\meshlab_32.exe
FlatCAM C:\EcosystemApps\FlatCAM\FlatCAM.exe
QCAD C:\EcosystemApps\QCAD\qcad.exe
TeamViewer C:\EcosystemApps\TeamViewer\Version9\TeamViewer.exe
InkScape C:\EcosystemApps\inkscape\inkscape.exe
GIMP C:\EcosystemApps\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe

Note that if your login ID is not "Hyrel", you'll need to adjust the location for the Slic3r cfg file appropriately. Remember to click APPLY when done to cause these settings to be applied.