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Using the T with the ESR and 30M

Gcodes the customer shouldn't need

Diagnostics, reporting.

G38 Distance Probing

G38 will move the bed until a probe until contact is made, and report the position when contact is made, storing a list of coordinate points with depths. This is helpful for making the bed level (and potentially working on non-planar surfaces).


 G38 Xn Yn Zn An Bn T# Pn Dn In Hn On Fn


 Xn relative move in this axis
 Yn relative move in this axis
 Zn relative move in this axis
 An relative move in this axis
 Bn relative move in this axis
 T# head where probe is loaded; if no T#, probe is not in a tool position; default: no T
 Pn probe connection
     If T is specified, P values can be:
       0  : PA3 pin on 10-pin connector
       1  : PA2 pin on 10-pin connector
       2  : LIMIT1 pin on 18-pin connector
       3  : LIMIT2 pin on 18-pin connector
       4  : RTD1 pin on 18-pin connector
       5  : RTD2 pin on 18-pin connector
     If T is not specified, P values can be:
       0  : No direct connect probe; canbus based probe one  *** must specify probeHead via T arg
       1  : X Limit1 or W_RTD1 (sys30)
       2  : X Limit2 or W_RTD2 (sys30)
       3  : X Fault
       4  : X Home
       5  : unused
       6  : Y Limit1
       7  : Y Limit2
       8  : Y Fault
       9  : Y Home
       10 : unused
       11 : Z Limit1
       12 : Z Limit2
       13 : Z Fault
       14 : Z Home
       15 : unused
       16 : A Limit1
       17 : A Limit2
       18 : A Fault
       19 : A Home
       20 : unused
       21 : B Limit1
       22 : B Limit2
       23 : B Fault
       24 : B Home
       25 : unused
       26 : C Limit1
       27 : C Limit2
       28 : C Fault
       29 : C Home
 D only 1 is presently supported; other options for future development
 I is probe polarity; 0 if contact makes a circuit, 1 if contact breaks the circuit
 H head offset register to use for tool dimension
 O additional offset
 F feedrate in mm/min (nonpersistent)


 G38 Z-9 T# P3 D1 I1 F200 

This command is decoded and executed by the printer as follows:

  • G38 (probe)
    • Z-9 (9 mm in Z toward 0)
    • T# (target head)
    • P3 (LIMIT2 pin on 18-pin connector)
    • D1 (only option)
    • I1 (contact breaks circuit)
    • F200 (at 200 mm/smin)

M670 Toggle Y-Arm Light Now

Turn on Y-arm light immediately. S 0 - 100 for duty.

M671 Toggle X-Arm Lights

Toggle X-arm Lights S 0 - 100 for duty.

M672 Toggle Y-Arm with Sensor

See main Gcode page.

M673 Toggle Y-Arm Light Next

Toggle Y-arm light after all previous commands are finished. S 0 - 100 for duty.

M772 Reset All Metrics

In addition to info on the Code page, these other reports are available:

 M772 - reset all internal data gathering to “0” state
 Sn - optional.  If Sn != 0, then Sn is a mask of which reports to auto send when M30 is processed.   S1 or S3 are typical user settings to get basic print info.
 Bit0 (0x01): enables M773 report (basic print stats)
 Bit1 (0x02): enables M774 report (system configuration)
 Bit2 (0x04): enables M774 report (queue metrics)
 Bit3 (0x08): enables M775 report (crashDataFromRam)
 Bit4 (0x10): enables M776 report (command and motionQ usage)
 Bit5 (0x20): enables M779 report (slice timing)

M773 Generate Basic Report

M773 generates a basic report of printing statistics (including average speed, number of primes, etc.)

Note: this report will be more meaningful if you use M772 to reset these counters at the start of a job.






  • M773 (generate basic report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M773 - print job metrics Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:                       Time (s)    Dist (m)
 >IN:  50:                       --------    --------
 >IN:  50: Totals:                    0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Printing moves:            0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: Non-printing moves         0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Accelerating:              0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: Cruising:                  0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: Decelerating:              0.0       0.000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: can e steps issued:       0
 >IN:  50: approx filament (PI*d)    0.000 m
 >IN:  50: approx filament (PIr^2)   0.000 m
 >IN:  50: unprimes issued:          0
 >IN:  50: primes issued:            0
 >IN:  50: unprime-primes avoided:   0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M773 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M774 Generate Queue Report

M774 generates a queue metrics report:






  • M774 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M774 - queue metrics Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Total commands:                  109
 >IN:  50: Total moves:                       0
 >IN:  50: Max commands in CmdQue:            9 (60)
 >IN:  50: Max commands in motionQ:           0 (50)
 >IN:  50: Max commands in deferredCmdQue:    0 (15)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in raw RX buffer:        1 (256)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in urgent RX buffer:     0 (1024)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in normal RX buffer:    43 (6144)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in direct RX buffer:     0 (8192)
 >IN:  50: Max chars in serial TX buffer:   697 (6144)
 >IN:  50: Total serial TX chars rejected:    0 (6144)
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M774 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M775 Generate Crash Report

M775 generates a crash data report:






  • M775 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M775 - current crashDataFromRAM Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     slice_1Hz = 1
 >IN:  50:     slice_10Hz = 5
 >IN:  50:     slice_100Hz = 9
 >IN:  50:     slice_1000Hz = 3
 >IN:  50:     lsiActualFreq = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->MCR = 0x00010044
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->MSR = 0x00000c00
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->TSR = 0x1c030303
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->IER = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->ESR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->BTR = 0x0012000d
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TIR = 0x89408004
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TDTR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TDLR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[0].TDHR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TIR = 0x80088006
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TDTR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TDLR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[1].TDHR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TIR = 0x880a0924
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TDTR = 0x00000008
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TDLR = 0x00000003
 >IN:  50:     CAN1->sTxMailBox[2].TDHR = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     total_commandsProcessed = 109
 >IN:  50:     total_motionQprocessed = 0
 >IN:  50:     total_DeferredProcessed = 0
 >IN:  50:     total_charsRx = 2331
 >IN:  50:     total_charsTx = 22871
 >IN:  50:     total_canRx = 3233
 >IN:  50:     total_canTx = 1772
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     max_CommandsInQue = 9
 >IN:  50:     max_motionQvalidEntries = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_DeferredCommandsInQue = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_rawRxCharsInBuf = 1
 >IN:  50:     max_urgentRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_normalRxCharsInBuf = 43
 >IN:  50:     max_directRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     max_normalTxCharsInBuf = 697
 >IN:  50:     max_canRxQ_numMsg = 88
 >IN:  50:     max_canTxQ_numMsg = 34
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     curr_CommandsInQue = 5
 >IN:  50:     curr_motionQ.validEntries = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_DeferredCommandsInQue = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_rawRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_urgentRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalRxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalTxCharsInBuf = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_gs._canRxQ.numMsg = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_gs._canRxQ.numMsg = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     curr_rawRxIndexIn = 73
 >IN:  50:     curr_rawRxIndexOut = 73
 >IN:  50:     curr_urgentRxIndexIn = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_urgentRxIndexOut = 0
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalRxIndexIn = 822
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalRxIndexOut = 822
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalTxIndexIn = 6084
 >IN:  50:     curr_normalTxIndexOut = 6126
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     _serialPortRxOverrunCnt = 0
 >IN:  50:     flushedRxCharsDuringAbort = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     pendingAcknowledge = 0
 >IN:  50:     _gcodeCmdsReceived = 43
 >IN:  50:     _gcodeAcksSent = 43
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     _g4DwellTimer = 0
 >IN:  50:     _gcodePaused = 0
 >IN:  50:     _abortInProgress = 0
 >IN:  50:     _blockAllMotion = 1
 >IN:  50:     _blockAbsoluteMotion = 0
 >IN:  50:     _motionSensorTripped = 0
 >IN:  50:     _waitingFor.flags.u32 = 0x00000000
 >IN:  50:     _needToProcessDeferredCommands = 0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.HomeSense.State = 1
 >IN:  50:     Y.HomeSense.State = 1
 >IN:  50:     Z.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.HomeSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Y.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Z.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.FaultSense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Y.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Z.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.Limit1Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Y.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     Z.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     A.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     B.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50:     C.Limit2Sense.State = 2
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     X.HasBeenHomed = 0
 >IN:  50:     Y.HasBeenHomed = 0
 >IN:  50:     Z.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50:     A.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50:     B.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50:     C.HasBeenHomed = 1
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     _validFirmwareKey = 1
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M775 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M776 Generate Motion Report

M776 generates a motion report:






  • M776 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M776 - cmd/motionQ usage histograms Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: motionQ numEntries histogram at start of move (total moves: 0)
 >IN:  50:  --:     0 (executed while forcing Q empty)
 >IN:  50:   1:     0
 >IN:  50:   2:     0
 >IN:  50:   3:     0
 >IN:  50:   4:     0
 >IN:  50:   5:     0
 >IN:  50:   6:     0
 >IN:  50:   7:     0
 >IN:  50:   8:     0
 >IN:  50:   9:     0
 >IN:  50:  10:     0
 >IN:  50:  11:     0
 >IN:  50:  12:     0
 >IN:  50:  13:     0
 >IN:  50:  14:     0
 >IN:  50:  15:     0
 >IN:  50:  16:     0
 >IN:  50:  17:     0
 >IN:  50:  18:     0
 >IN:  50:  19:     0
 >IN:  50:  20:     0
 >IN:  50:  21:     0
 >IN:  50:  22:     0
 >IN:  50:  23:     0
 >IN:  50:  24:     0
 >IN:  50:  25:     0
 >IN:  50:  26:     0
 >IN:  50:  27:     0
 >IN:  50:  28:     0
 >IN:  50:  29:     0
 >IN:  50:  30:     0
 >IN:  50:  31:     0
 >IN:  50:  32:     0
 >IN:  50:  33:     0
 >IN:  50:  34:     0
 >IN:  50:  35:     0
 >IN:  50:  36:     0
 >IN:  50:  37:     0
 >IN:  50:  38:     0
 >IN:  50:  39:     0
 >IN:  50:  40:     0
 >IN:  50:  41:     0
 >IN:  50:  42:     0
 >IN:  50:  43:     0
 >IN:  50:  44:     0
 >IN:  50:  45:     0
 >IN:  50:  46:     0
 >IN:  50:  47:     0
 >IN:  50:  48:     0
 >IN:  50:  49:     0
 >IN:  50:  50:     0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: cmdQue numEntries histogram when cmd received (total cmds: 109)
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:   0:    89
 >IN:  50:   1:     2
 >IN:  50:   2:     4
 >IN:  50:   3:     2
 >IN:  50:   4:     4
 >IN:  50:   5:     2
 >IN:  50:   6:     2
 >IN:  50:   7:     2
 >IN:  50:   8:     2
 >IN:  50:   9:     0
 >IN:  50:  10:     0
 >IN:  50:  11:     0
 >IN:  50:  12:     0
 >IN:  50:  13:     0
 >IN:  50:  14:     0
 >IN:  50:  15:     0
 >IN:  50:  16:     0
 >IN:  50:  17:     0
 >IN:  50:  18:     0
 >IN:  50:  19:     0
 >IN:  50:  20:     0
 >IN:  50:  21:     0
 >IN:  50:  22:     0
 >IN:  50:  23:     0
 >IN:  50:  24:     0
 >IN:  50:  25:     0
 >IN:  50:  26:     0
 >IN:  50:  27:     0
 >IN:  50:  28:     0
 >IN:  50:  29:     0
 >IN:  50:  30:     0
 >IN:  50:  31:     0
 >IN:  50:  32:     0
 >IN:  50:  33:     0
 >IN:  50:  34:     0
 >IN:  50:  35:     0
 >IN:  50:  36:     0
 >IN:  50:  37:     0
 >IN:  50:  38:     0
 >IN:  50:  39:     0
 >IN:  50:  40:     0
 >IN:  50:  41:     0
 >IN:  50:  42:     0
 >IN:  50:  43:     0
 >IN:  50:  44:     0
 >IN:  50:  45:     0
 >IN:  50:  46:     0
 >IN:  50:  47:     0
 >IN:  50:  48:     0
 >IN:  50:  49:     0
 >IN:  50:  50:     0
 >IN:  50:  51:     0
 >IN:  50:  52:     0
 >IN:  50:  53:     0
 >IN:  50:  54:     0
 >IN:  50:  55:     0
 >IN:  50:  56:     0
 >IN:  50:  57:     0
 >IN:  50:  58:     0
 >IN:  50:  59:     0
 >IN:  50:  60:     0
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M776 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M784 Generate Summary Report

M784 generates a system summary report:






  • M784 (generate queue report)

Sample Output

 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  Begin M784 - System Summary Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Motion Controller: 
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:    DEBUG_EngineSR_30M_5.000za :mcu 0x413 0x1001 :uid 0x3a002c00 0x18473132 0x39373139 :UART6
 >IN:  50:    License key: 4vxBFI46rsyXbS6__dU5mdS3WP8X8dLi
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Compatible Devices:
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:     T#   Location    DeviceType   SW Loaded                  PCB      RTD1     RTD2     RTD3     SubType      SW Codebase  Can# Fmt# 
 >IN:  50:    ----- ----------- ------------ -------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ---- ---- 
 >IN:  50:     T1   Yoke1 Head2 MK1          Heads_Beds_103_5.000za.hex 4988_J   1K       None     None     Standard     Medusa5       1    2  
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: Incompatible Devices (must be upgraded to 5.x software):
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50:    OldT# Location   
 >IN:  50:    ----- -----------
 >IN:  50:     T14  Yoke1 Head4
 >IN:  50: 
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************
 >IN:  50: **  End M784 Report
 >IN:  50: ******************************************************************

M797 Report Sensors

M797 generates a sensor status report:


 M797 In


 I can be 1 (logical states) or 2 (physical values)

Example 1

 M797 I1

This command is decoded and executed by the printer as follows:

  • M797 (generate sensor report)
    • I1 (show logical states)

Sample Output 1

 >GB: Logical States  (M797 I1)
 >GB: == == ==  == == == ==
 >GB: X  -  F   H  .  .  . 
 >GB: Y  -  F   H  .  .  . 
 >GB: Z  -  F   .  .  .  . 
 >GB: A  not installed
 >GB: B  not installed
 >GB: <end>

Column definitions: AX - Axis ST - Step DR - Direction HM - Home L1 - Limit 1 L2 - Limit 2 FT - Fault

Example 2

 M797 I2

This command is decoded and executed by the printer as follows:

  • M797 (generate sensor report)
    • I2 (show physical values)

Sample Output 2

 >GB: Physical values  (M797 I2)
 >GB: == == ==  == == == ==
 >GB: X  1  0   1  .  .  . 
 >GB: Y  1  0   0  .  .  . 
 >GB: Z  1  0   .  .  .  . 
 >GB: A  not installed
 >GB: B  not installed
 >GB: <end>