
From Hyrel3D
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Here is how we envision partnerships:

First, let us tell you that we would like our resellers and dealers to be extensions of us. Here is the philosophy that we embrace:

3D Printing is a highly competitive technology marketplace, which is dynamic and changing by the minute; but the one thing that will not change is that people will come back for good service. Where they get treated well, where they get treated fairly, they will return over and over. And that is the organization that we are trying to build.

If this falls in line with your philosophy, then we are probably a good match for you. Here is how we will work with you to help you make money:

  • We will reward you with 5% of the initial purchase for identifying committed customers and sending us their contact information. (At this time, a commission is paid after full payment and product delivery.)
  • We will reward you with a total of 10% discount from listed prices on all orders for processing the customers’ money and paying us in advance of shipment.
  • We will reward you with a total of 15% discount from listed prices on all orders for also providing at least five hours of initial training and support.
  • We will reward you with a total of 20% discount from listed prices on all orders for also providing after-sales support, including follow up calls.

If this model is something that you want to work to be a part of, please let us know.

In order to move past that 10% point, you will need to purchase one of our printers and become well-versed in its operation and troubleshooting.

I can do a training session with you or your designee(s) so that you can evaluate how well you expect our products to fit with your customer base.